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M2M Russian Open: everybody loves golf!

Today, on the 6-th of September here, in Moscow golf-club “Skolkovo” we can see crowds of people. The reason is the final day of M2M Russian Open championship. Among guests there were Evgeny Plushenkov with Yana Rudkovskaya and their son, taiwanian ambassador Chan Tsun-Syan and many other celebrities. Chan Tsun-Syan: “I have never seen anything like this before! Unique place. Frankly speaking, when I was getting here, I couldn’t imagine that it would be such a marvelous show. I root for David Horsey and I hope, he’ll stay among leaders”.

Despite changeable weather, spectators and players enjoyed spending Sunday morning in the fresh air and master their skills in golf. Specially for the last day of the competition sponsors prepared a little surprise: guests were taught how to play golf. There was made quite a pretty field where everyone could learn the rules and get basic skills with a help of a professional coach.  The event was great, indeed! All players mentioned high standards of the organization and guests were charmed not only by the splendid view, but the quality service.  

Well. Let’s go back to the championship itself – M2M Russian Open. After the last round, we could see some changes: Lee Slattery (England) was leading, Craig Lee from Scotland with Estanislao Goya from Argentina after him. During the whole day there was tensed struggle between leaders (fan-zone was full). Today all golfers were playing emotionally, and guests applauded, shouted and sighed in suspense. 

Unfortunately, David Horsey was unlucky today: he couldn’t get back to leading 3, but he won the 4-th place and left his main opponent, Bradley Dredge, on the 5-th line. Talking about Andrey Pavlov, we can say, that he became a real breakthrough of the year in Russia! Despite the fact that he was nervous and responsibility for the club, his achievement became a historical moment in golf. Pavlov was the first Russian to qualify the cut and present our country at the competition. Andrey Pavlov: “ I’m very glad, I could do this. Despite my final score, I’m happy and now I know what to strive for. I’d like to thank everyone, who supported me!”

During the whole day only three names were changing places on the leader’s board: Slattery, Goya and Lee. They were quite close in their results to each other, before Slattery hadn’t make the main strike. This moment made him the winner of the tournament. The golfer is very proud of his results and shared his emotions after the victory with Daily Culture. 

Daily Culture: Congratulations, Lee! How do you find the tournament, in general?

Lee Slattery: You know, I’m on cloud nine! Everything was perfect. They said to me, the club was made in a short time, so, I’m impressed! It’s a great pleasure to play on this field! 

Daily Culture: And what did you feel, when you headed the leading 3? 

Lee Slattery: This moment reminded me of the last time, when I won the tournament. I was on the first place, too, but very quickly lost, but that was a great stimulus for me. Today I felt the same. And what’s more, strong opponents! You know, it feels like there is something in the air, when everyone is stood in suspense and it’s difficult to stay calm. 

Daily Culture: What inspired you for the game today?

Lee Slattery: My family. They always support me, even when it was hard. This year was tough: moving from one place to another, parting for a long time, a baby… But we overcame everything and try to keep together. 

Daily Culture: Did you expect to win?

Lee Slattery: (Smiling) Oh, it was impossible to make a forecast. I hoped for the best. But I also tried not to think about the victory, it is disturbing. I tried to relax and was just getting pleasure from the process.  

Daily Culture: How do you find Moscow?

Lee Slattery: We were getting out to the city on Tuesday and it was awesome! Wonderful city, many people and a beautiful centre. We liked Moscow.

Daily Culture: Is there anybode, to whom you’d like to dedicate you victory?

Lee Slattery: First of all, to my family. And of course to my caddy, who spent with me all the time, telling jokes. Jerry, I had no chance to win the game without you, thank you very much! And I also would like to thank the sponsors, everything was excellent and forgive us for screwing up the new field (laughing)!

After such a great ceremony, M2M Russin Open officially became a European tournament. No doubt, fir all members of the club in Skolkovo and profi-players the champion was great and next year will attract more and more guests and fans. To crown it all, even if you are not interested in such unusual sport as golf, you can visit Skolkovo so as to get acquainted closer with rules or just relax and spend a wonderful day on a picturesque field! 

Tatyana Kadyan



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